Our Standards

We are committed to providing our customers with sustainable, renewable, and traceable sources of seafood.


A trusted source of sustainable seafood

We are committed to responsible fishing and farming

Marifay Sea Foods Inc., works with all our vendors worldwide to develop sustainably produced seafood products. Whether they are wild caught or farm raised Marifay works with all our vendors supply chain monitoring the raw material and how it is produced.
As a supporter of BAP production worldwide, we monitor to all our aquaculture vendors supply chains and the traceability of the raw material produced. Marifay works closely with our vendors to continue to develop the best farming practices possible that minimally impact the environment.

We are dedicated to incorporating sustainability in all aspects of our business. Our sustainability guidelines work to protect our oceans and ensure sustainably sourced seafood for our customers.
Sustainable seafood means fish, shellfish, and other products that are caught or farmed in ways that consider the long-term viability of harvested populations as well as the ocean’s health and ecological integrity.

Our responsibility

We engage our suppliers in open conversation, and through education, exploring ways to maintain and develop sustainable harvesting techniques for both wild-caught and farm-raised products.
Our close relationships with suppliers ensure the traceability of products from harvest to point of sale.
We frequently travel to visit suppliers in person to assess their operations and ensure they comply with our objectives.
All of our products have been legally obtained and processed under the guidelines of both the country of origin and the laws of the United States of America.
We promote a healthy environment by not purchasing products that have been harvested by destructive means or that have been subjected to outside chemical contaminants. We work to educate our suppliers, employees, partners, and customers around the need for a sustainable source of product.
We support environmentally responsible seafood choices through procurement decisions, avoiding species that are considered endangered or that are harvested in a non-sustainable manner.
As a partner of many innovative, BAP certified suppliers, we support free and fair global trade within the seafood industry.
Ethical Standards

Ethical Business Practices

Protecting workers is imperative

As a company, we want everyone we do business with to be treated with the same respect we give our employees. Our ethical business practices hold our suppliers and ourselves to account.
We are dedicated to maintaining the highest degree of integrity in our business in addition to supporting all existing laws in both the United States and the countries with which we do business.

We require that our suppliers comply with all local laws in jurisdictions where they transact business. This includes, but is not limited to, not engaging in human trafficking or slavery.
We do not intentionally pursue business relationships or purchase products from facilities that are known to not comply with local laws.
Swift investigation and action would result if accusations are made against any company with which we do business.
We have zero tolerance for labor abuses.
We readily encourage our suppliers to be proactive in applying fair labor practices throughout their workforce and that of their suppliers.
We undertake and review third party audits to determine labor compliance as part of our normal business practices.
Food safety

Quality and Safety

We strongly support the ongoing efforts of the Better Seafood Bureau, which works alongside the FDA to further establish economic integrity within the seafood industry. While the FDA’s primary mission is product safety, the Better Seafood Bureau works to address issues such as short weights and counts and maintaining accurate country of origin information…

International governments and associations require the seafood industry to maintain certain product quality standards. Because food safety is Marifay’s top priority, our internal standards are very stringent. We have our own sourcing and qualified quality teams in India / Asia.

Our own Quality Inspectors in India, Asia – monitors every shipment to ensure our product specifications are met and adhered to.
All Marifay product is inspected both on-line and prior to export of all shipments.
Every plant must meet our strict quality control protocols and procedures before it can become an Marifay partner, our qualified auditors inspect and approve plants.
All processing plants are HACCP compliant and audited on a yearly basis, registered with FDA .
All freshly harvested product is tested at farm level for antibiotics prior to harvesting and then re-tested at the plant.
All product is fully traceable from farm to packaging.


Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative

The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) is a global, Public-Private Partnership, working towards more sustainable seafood for everyone. GSSI was founded in 2013 as a sector-wide, multi-stakeholder initiative to create shared, global and non-competitive solutions for sustainability certification issues in the global seafood supply chain. GSSI’s mission is to ensure confidence in the supply and promotion of certified seafood, as well as to promote improvement in seafood certification schemes. This is achieved through GSSI’s Global Benchmark Tool, which is underpinned by the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other FAO guidelines. For more information, visit www.ourgssi.org.

Global Aquaculture Alliance

The mission of the GAA is to promote responsible aquaculture practices through education, advocacy, and demonstration. For over 20 years, the GAA has demonstrated its commitment to feeding the world through responsible and sustainable aquaculture.

Seafood Nutrition Partnership

Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) is the leading 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the U.S. building awareness of the health and nutritional benefits of seafood.